Men pray in Thet Key Pyin refugee camp outside of Sittwe, Myanmar.
A fence that surrounds one of the larger camps, Thet Key Pyin, which is home to about five thousand Rohingya muslims.
A beach near Sittwe, Myanmar where many Rohingya begin their journey to a better life. Many persecuted Rohingya muslims leave for Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia from beaches like this one.
This girl lives in Thet Key Pyin, one of the larger IDP camps. It is overcrowded and families live in dilapidated thatched huts scattered across the camp's dusty scrub land.
This Rohingya boy will likely never be able to continue his education past the fourth grade. Within the IDP refugee camps in Myanmar's Rakhine State, there are few opportunities for elementary, let alone higher education. Most children attend government and NGO-funded schools until the fourth grade after which most students have to abandon book learning altogether. For the lucky few there is one middle school. But no high school exists for Rohingya children. Incredibly, Sittwe University, the largest institute of higher education in the region, is right next to the camps. But since violence broke out in the region in 2012 no Rohingya has been permitted to attend.
These are the items one family is bringing with them when they flee the Thet Key Pyin refugee camp.
Rakhine extremists in Myanmar falsely accuse the Rohingya muslims of being Bangladeshis and not Burmese nationals. These documents prove the Burmese nationality of one man who asked to not be identified.
A Rohingya man holds up a document that proves his Burmese citizenship.
Rohingya muslim men pray on a mat donated by the UNHCR.
A man prays in Thet Key Pyin refugee camp.
An old woman lights a fire in a remote Rohingya refugee camp outside of Sittwe, Myanmar. There are few jobs in the camps. Almost all residents live in extreme poverty.
This girl was attacked and beaten by Rakhine extremists near her home in Anoka Ywe, a remote refugee camp in Myanmar's Rakhine State. The day before this picture was taken, a Rohingya man from this camp was stoned to death in the hills that surround the settlement. Many of Myanmar's Rohingya Muslims live under constant threat of violence from their Rakhine neighbors and the authorities. One local estimated about one Rohingya is killed a month in these sporadic attacks
A man shines a flashlight on the body of a man who was murdered by Rakhine extremists.
Like thousands of Rohingyas in Myanmar's Rakhine State, this man's son fled to Malaysia on a smuggler's ship in hopes of finding a better life. Today his son lives in Kuala Lumpur but he can't work because he doesn't have an ID accepted by the Malaysian government. Apparently, the UNHCR in Malaysia provides temporary IDs for Rohingya refugees, but the process involves a lot of red tape so his son remains jobless.
A child recites a lesson at a refugee school run by Save the Children.
A fishing boat parked near the Rohingya refugee camps outside of Sittwe, Myanmar. Many Rohingya leave for Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia in boats like this one.
Fishermen load a day's catch into plastic tubs in Myanmar's Rakhine State. Many Rohingya have traditionally made their living from fishing.